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Early in 2014, Vick Art Advisors tasked Sparks, a brand experience company, to create a sculpture that uniquely depicted Manhattan. Realizing that 3D printing was the only option for the ambitious full-color 3D project they had in mind, the artists turned to Quickparts to 3D print the 28 15”x 15” pieces.

3D Artist David Shamlian, the lead artist on the project commented: “Quickparts has a wide range of 3D printing options for different types of projects . However, we needed to print very large models very quickly and in full CMYK color, so their ColorJet Technology was the one option that made this even feasible,”

It turns out the project was completed in record time by Quickparts, on deadline, even while parts were printed on full-color ProJet 860 3D printers that were thousands of miles apart and on different continents.

Read the full story here.