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Tech Tips

To start this section, we have some interesting technical tips from our support team:

Control X:

Tech tip 1 (June 2018) -  Did you know that you can segment CAD faces to get ring areas around holes to gather only specific points from scan data for an alternative RPS Alignment for use with Datum Planes?

Tech tip 2 (June 2018) - Did you know how the Fitting Zone works internally, a unique feature which allows to set up all inspection targets on the CAD model and automatically get them evaluated based on corresponding Measured Data, and that this is possible even regardless of the Alignment needed for the actual inspection?

Tech tip 3 (September 2018) -  Did you know that you can inspect Geometry against different Origins, and compare the results with each other, by transforming a copy of the CAD model and using the copy in another Result?

Tech tip 4 (September 2018) - Did you know that you can use the GD&T's Datum References Options to inspect a feature against different Alignments (including RPS Alignment) in one single view?

Tech tip 5 (January 2019) -  Did you know how you can create simple angled sections in Control X in order to measure distances between features placed at different angles around an axis?

Tech tip 6 (January 2019) - Did you know how you can use Axes of 3D Features, which are located at different angles around a central axis inside a 2D Section View?

Tech tip 7 (April 2019) -  Did you know how Position and Perpendicularity (or Parallelism) with Material Condition depends on the actual value of the Feature Diameter and how to understand the displayed result in Control X?

Tech tip 8 (April 2019) - Did you know what the yellow exclamation mark, that appears in some annotations together with the note "Pair Geometry Constructed by Zone Fitting" in the Error List means, how this situation is treated and how to use this knowledge to increase trust in the results?

Tech tip 9 (July 2019) -  Did you know that although the function 2D Twist Analysis in the COMPARE tab is designed primarily to analyze the twist of blade sections over the so called stacking axis of the blade, you can also use it to get the 2D Bestfit Alignment Transformation information of any arbitrarily shaped 2D Section?

Tech tip 10 (July 2019) - Did you know, that you can save time during the project creation of variants by replacing CAD data partially and only recreating the dimensions attached to the replaced CAD entities?

Design X:

Tech tip 1 (June 2018) - Did you know that you can use the command Virtual Rescan to plan scanning strategies for complex CAD-Parts using projection based scanners?

Tech tip 2 (June 2018) - Did you know that Design X has several modelling functions which provide a more dynamic or direct preview of the result than the standard parametric functions and are therefore very good to use in demos?

Tech tip 3 (September 2018) -  Did you know that you can import your 2D Technical Drawing as a texture onto a planar 2-triangle mesh as a visual reference for your reverse modeling job?

Tech tip 4 (September 2018) - Did you know that improper filleting is the mostly frequent reason to get ugly blends, and which methods we have in Design X to correct these or even achieve nice blends in the first place?

Tech tip 5 (January 2019) -  Did you know that you can use the Sweep function by selecting Profiles from 2D Sketches using the Edge Selection Filter to create Pipes consisting of straight and bended segements?

Tech tip 6 (January 2019) - Did you know how to correctly reverse model a Barrel Cam like this one using an Axial, a Radial, a Normal and a Tangent Sketch and the Direct Equation Evaluation function of Sketch Input Fields, to create editable parameters for the helical slot?

Tech tip 7 (April 2019) -  Did you know the difference in behaviour and results between our Filleting methods and how to use them to get the optimal Fillet for a given situation?

Tech tip 8 (April 2019) - Did you know, how you can use the Environment Mapping, also known as "Zebra-Map", to analyze a shape and plan your modeling strategy?

Tech tip 9 (July 2019) -  Did you know that for very noisy or high-detail point clouds, where a conventional triangulation would fail, you can use a low-res version of it to get to a watertight model much easier and then subdivide the mesh again and fit it to a high-res point cloud to get back the intricate detail of the original?

Tech tip 10 (July 2019) - Did you know that you can press F1 at any time in the software while inside an open dialog to get context specific help about the current function, and that you can also open the Help File separately from the 3D Systems folder in the Windows Start Menu?

Customer stories

We are constantly looking for interesting articles from customers who report on how Geomagic software solutions make their processes more successful, save time and money and increase business productivity. If you already have a story finished that focuses on one of the Geomagic solutions, then please send it to your Geomagic contact. We will coordinate further activities immediately. 
Or do you have a use case in mind, then we can write a new success story together with you and your customer. In this case please send a short email note to your Geomagic contact.